Blind Cleaning Services

Commercial Blind Cleaning Services in London & the UK

Blinds are often overlooked, but to comply with Health & Safety regulations and maintain a clean, hygienic workspace, an annual blind cleaning and repair service is essential.

Inovx Commercial Solutions offers an Ultrasonic blind cleaning service that involves removing your blinds and submerging them in Ultrasonic vats to thoroughly clean all blinds, strings, fixtures, and fittings.

If we identify any damage, we can repair or replace the broken parts before safely reinstalling them on your windows.

While replacing blinds can be costly, regular maintenance and cleaning can greatly extend their lifespan.

Our Blind Cleaning Services Include:

  • Periodic Structured Blind Cleaning
  • Ad-Hoc Blind Cleaning
  • Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning Services
  • Venetian Blind Cleaning
  • Panel Blind Cleaning
  • High Level Blind Cleaning
  • Dust Removal
  • Stain Removal